
4. Consider CBD?考虑使用大麻二酚(CBD)?

Things are looking good for CBD. This summer, the Food and Drug Administration approved a CBD-based drug for the first time, and a prominent researcher at N.Y.U. School of Medicine called CBD “the most promising drug that has come out for neuropsychiatric diseases in the last 50 years.” Mandy Moore is using it! CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical found abundantly in the cannabis plant and may help treat illnesses, including Parkinson’s, epilepsy and cancer, as well as insomnia and anxiety.

大麻二酚的形势很乐观。今年夏天,美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)首次批准了一款基于CBD的药物,并且纽约大学医学院(N.Y.U. School of Medicine)的一位著名研究员将大麻二酚称为“过去50年来,针对神经精神疾病最有前途的药物出炉了“。曼迪摩尔(Mandy Moore)在使用它!全称为“cannabidiol”的大麻二酚是大麻植物所富含的一种化学物质,可能可以帮助治疗各种疾病,包括帕金森、癫痫及癌症,还有失眠和焦虑。

5. Hide the phones.藏起手机

We’re all getting wise to the harmful effects of screens, but what’s surprising — and not a great sign — is that the people responsible for the gadgets and how they are used are keeping them far away from their own kids. In Silicon Valley, children are being asked to rediscover card games, board games and the outdoors. Maybe the rest of us should, too.


6. Watch your spending.留意你的开支

People in the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement are devoted to living frugally and investing their cost savings so they can stop working in their 30s or 40s. Even if you’re not ready to adopt all their tenets, cutting some spending (if you’re able to) can always help.

参与“FIRE”(经济独立、早早退休[financial independence, retire early])运动的人致力于过节俭的生活,并把节省下来的花销用于投资,这样他们就可以在30或40多岁的时候退休了。即便你还没有准备好全面采纳他们的信条,削减一些开支(如果能的话)总是有帮助的。

7. Be wary of the so-called wellness gurus.警惕所谓的健康专家

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