

As we look back on the mania that was 2018, one thing is clear: We can do better! Enter our annual guide to the lessons we learned, based on which Styles stories you read most this year, and see how to put them to use in 2019.



1. Do it.去做

A recurring theme each year is that sex is important and we should all try to have it*. In a much-read Modern Love, Karin Jones shares what she learned by having affairs with married men: “What surprised me was that these husbands weren’t looking to have more sex. They were looking to have any sex.”

每年都会反复出现一个主题,那就是性很重要,我们都应该努力有性生活*。在一篇阅读量很高的“摩登情爱“(Modern Love)文章中,卡琳琼斯(Karin Jones)分享了她与已婚男子偷情所学到的:“让我吃惊的是,这些丈夫并不是想要更多的性生活,他们只是想要有性生活。”

Which isn’t to suggest that if you don’t have sex your partner will cheat, but just to confirm what we all basically know: Sex is good for humans (and their relationships).


2. Ask people about themselves.问问别人关于他们自己的事情

When talking to people IRL, take a tip from “Fresh Air” host Terry Gross and open with her preferred icebreaker: “Tell me about yourself.”

当你在现实生活中与他人聊天时,采取一下“新鲜空气“(Fresh Air)节目主持人特里格罗斯(Terry Gross)的小建议,用她喜欢的开场白打破僵局:“给我讲讲你的事吧。”

3. Less news = more happy.更少新闻=更多快乐

An Ohio man named Erik Hagerman took the idea of a news blackout to the extreme — he had avoided all of it since the 2016 election — but, as a result, he may be the one person on earth in 2018 who could say, “I’m emotionally healthier than I’ve ever felt.”

一位名叫埃里克哈格曼(Erik Hagerman)的男子将封锁消息的概念发挥到了极致——自从2016年大选后,他就完全没看过新闻了——但结果是,他可能是2018年地球上唯一一个可以说“我的情绪感觉比以往任何时候都更健康“的人。

While his approach is afforded by privilege and may even be morally questionable, as many pointed out, it could be healthy to limit your news consumption just a little. Even an annoyed friend of Mr. Hagerman, who had been banned from talking news in his presence, acknowledged, “It’s actually nice to not talk about politics.”

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