来自电商前辈的英语日志”To be a better man”

June is the last month of first half year which is also a month including lots of important events such as entrance examination for secondary school, college entrance examination as well as the graduation season. The current undergraduates are supposed to have a substituted post examination before the graduation while most of them haven’t made the preparations both mentally and physically, meaning their mindsets are just like the moment they have in the colleague.


Indeed, college can be considered as undergraduates’ ivory towers which are so dazzling that a large amount of them can’t adapt to the society. They have no idea what they are going to face. And as regards companies, they are not special at all, just like the ordinary people.


Some say that they considered university as a place of mystery before everything starts. However, they realized after finishing college that the college is just like a small society for they would have to face more troubles and pressure after set foot on the society.


my friends Tina, who is going to graduate this June. After finishing all the courses in thecollege in November, she managed to find a company to fulfil her internship.


Nevertheless, things didn’t go smooth at all. At the first week after she entered the company, Tina complained that she was stressed-out due to the strict requirements from her manager. The manager reminded her of how to do from time to time. And her manager divided 4 persons including Tina into two groups, in the purpose of creating a tense atmosphere.


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