

We saw clothes that people used to wear in the past in the museum.
We saw in the museum through the clothes that people in the past.



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People has caused damage to the environment, so the burden on earth we need to protect the environment, the earth is our home, so we want to protect it, many afforestation, put the garbage handled separately and water saving, from now on we together to protect our homeland.
Human being has caused damage to the environment, so the burden on earth we need to protect the environment, the earth is our home, so we need to protect it, many afforestation, put the garbage handled separately and water saving, from now on we together to protect our homeland

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Mary is a good student, and she has health way of life. She likes to eat vegetables and fruit. Every day she physical exercise, her twice a week nets, January the cinema. Today she has a headache, she went to see a doctor, the doctor told her to go home to have a good rest, wish her to recover as soon as possible
Mary is a good student.she leads a healthy life.she likes fruits and vegetables and does exercise everyday.she surfs the internet twice a week and sees the film once a month.she got a headache today and saw a doctor.the doctor told her to have a good rest at home and wished her recover soon
Marie is a excellent student,she has a healthy lifestyle.she like to eat fruits and vegetables.She exercise every day,surf the Internet two times a week,and go to a movie once a month.Today she has a headache,she went to see a doctor,the doctor told her to go home and have a good rest,to wish her a speedy and healthy.
Mary is a good student, and she has health way of life. She likes to eat vegetables and fruit. Every day she physical exercise, her twice a week nets, January the cinema. Today she has a headache, she went to see a doctor, the doctor told her to go home to have a good rest, wish her to recover as soon as possible.

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