
1,如果在eaby上买东西被骗了怎么办啊 看不懂英文 求帮助啊本人在

你用你中文ebay账户登陆 英文的就行,但是一定要看卖家提不提供国际邮寄 问清楚多少邮费 值不值再买 当然你得有外币信用卡做的PayPal.com 的账户 或是直接用国际信用卡付费---有风险

如果在eaby上买东西被骗了怎么办啊 看不懂英文 求帮助啊本人在


不可以不理,毕竟他们有发货记录,这样会不断的找你麻烦。 但是,给他们退回去也不能白退,毕竟你那么忙,总不能白给他们干活啊!邮费首先要他们先给你打来,如果说是要收件方付邮费的话,你总该索要点打车钱吧! 等快递上门取件还是会耽误事儿的吧! 总要索要赔偿吧! 50块钱的东西不管几斤,都很沉的吧! 从你家里搬到门口还要有搬运费吧!这个时候,不忙也得忙,他们自己的错误,自己总要承担一部分,你又不是他们妈!索要30块钱意思意思就行了,但是,不能是勒索,要师出有名,每一分钱都要有名目,当然,电话费也算上,你就说你接电话也花钱!陪她说话的网费都算上,总给你打电话的误工费,等等等等~! 没事儿就当哄孩子玩了


3,以The opinions of using WeChat为题写一篇英语作文

we also can use some fuctions of WeChat to my new friends and we also can learn so many things on that stuff, we also should be cafeful cause so many students spend too much time to play the Internet devices and they may meet e-pals without parents. But every coin has two sides, phones will m**e us shortsightedness, but most of allThe Opinions Of Using WeChat As we all know,WeChat plays a more and more important role in our life. We use WeChat beacuse it can provide a platform for us to communication
The Opinions Of Using WeChat As we all know,WeChat plays a more and more important role in our life. We use WeChat beacuse it can provide a platform for us to communication, and we also can use some fuctions of WeChat to make new friends and we also can learn so many things on that stuff. But every coin has two sides, we also should be cafeful cause so many students spend too much time to play the Internet devices and they may meet e-pals without parents, but most of all, phones will make us shortsightedness.

以The opinions of using WeChat为题写一篇英语作文


我有一个梦想,就是成为一个歌唱家.我对音乐有浓厚的兴趣,老师讲的气息发声、头腔共鸣的要领我都记住了.我非常喜欢我的歌声,尽管有时候我的家人说我唱得不好、甚至唱走调,但是我并不把这些话放在心上,反而越唱越好.我要证明给他们看,我是唱得好歌的.  我还想当一个音乐老师,教学生唱歌.教别人唱歌是一种乐趣,一种幸福,一种荣耀.我很有兴趣当一个老师,这个暑假两个妹妹又回到成都,我学着老师的样教她们唱歌和画画,她们学得认真,天天有进步,我觉得开心极了!  我幻想一旦有一天我当上了音乐家,一定会有很多的学生来我这儿拜师求教.我会把只有初步唱歌兴趣的孩子,一步一步培养成具有浓厚兴趣的小歌星.我会运用唱歌的技巧和方法,把孩子们培养成歌唱家、音乐家.到那时,有人问我:“你为什么把学生教得那么好?”,我笑着回答:“培养兴趣最重要,兴趣培养好了,才能学得好”.我要把所教课程的视频放到网上、登上电视,这样,想学声乐,却付不起钱的人,就能在网上、电视上学习了.  我还想当一名钢琴家.每当我听到我的钢琴老师弹奏钢琴的声音是那么动听、旋律是那么优美,就像奔驰在茫茫草原、穿梭在蓝天白云之间.我想:总有一天,只要我往钢琴一坐,随着指尖在琴键上的跳动,就能飘出一首首最美妙的曲子,让人感叹不已,羡慕不已!  音乐能带给人生最大的快乐,音乐是生活中
With the wildly used of the computer, online shopping becomes more and more popular in our daily life. On the one hand, it is very convenient to go shopping online. You can search for the goods that you wanna buy rapidly, which has great effects on saving our time. Also, the online products is cheaper than the supermarket. On the other hand, online shopping also has bad effects. When you enter the web page, you must register your information. Due to the hacker or the criminals, you personal information would be stolen by them. And you can not see the real products, so you can not judge its quality. As far as I am concerned, every coin has two sides. When we shopping online, we should take its disadvantages into consideration in case of avoid being cheated.

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