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经济法概论 introduction of economic law广告理论与实务 the theory and practice of advertisement市场调查与预测 market investigating and forecasting企业战略管理 Enterprise strategy management电子商务概论 the outline of electronic commerce商品流通概论 the introduction of commodity circulation毛邓 the theories of Chairman Mao and Deng Xiaoping三个代表思想概论 The outline of the Important Theory of the Three Representative

这些课程名怎么翻译 不要机器翻译 谢谢啦


WTO基础知识 WTO Basic Knowledge电子商务概论 The Introduction to E-business现代教育技术 Modern Educational Technology教育科学研究方法 Educational Science Research Methods教育管理学 Educational Management教育心理学 Educational Psychics教育学 Education旅游管理 Travel Management旅游资源与开发 Travel Resource and Development旅游服务与礼仪 Travel Service and Etiquette旅游地理与文化 Travel Geography and Culture导游学 Tour Guide口译 Interpretation翻译学 Translation and Interpretation英汉对比 Comparison Between English and Chinese书法鉴赏 Appreciation of Calligraphy 美术鉴赏 Appreciation of Art创业学 Entrepreneurship 军训 Military Training见习 Noviciate实习 Exercitation


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