We will evaluate the information that you provide to us and will respond accordingly. You will be notified via e-mail when our account review is complete.


Seller Performance Team


很多的卖家收到这封邮件之后,他们的回答:第一个回答是NO;第二个问题关于business name,他会把企业邮箱后缀域名的.com去掉后复制进去;第三丶四丶五则全部写上NO丶NO丶NO。






Hi Amazon,

Thanks for reviewing my account. We are glad to see your earnestness to new sellers, which proves that we have made the right choice for choosing Amazon as the only platform for starting our e-commerce business.

Hope that the below information is enough for you to review our account and business.

1. To be honest, we do not have any online sales experience before. We currently own a physical store in Hong Kong for 7 years, starting on May 2007.

2. Our store name is Case88. We would like to open this store for selling different models, types and designs of mobile phone cases. We used UV printing and Heat Transfer technology to produce those phone cases on our own factory in Hong Kong. Besides and most importantly, all pictures if any, printed to the phone cases are designed by our employed designers in Hong Kong. Protecting intellectual property rights is our company major concern.

We wish customers can share our happiness and enjoy purchasing products from us no matter on our physical store in Hong Kong and Amazon later on.

3. We don’t plan to sell any internationally recognized branded products.

4. We do not plan to sell any products that have a safety component neither.

5. We have already listed five products on Amazon awaiting for your kind review. Our goal is to become a all-time five stars seller on Amazon, which we have studied and prepared a lot before kicking off here.

First of all, we are confident on our products which is among the topest on the world in terms of materials, designs, protection, etc.

Secondly, we would use DHL Express which one of the best shipment courier in Hong Kong, for shipping our products worldwide, in order to achieve FAST and SAFE transportation.

Besides, we are planning to study and use the FBA in near future, in order to further improve our online sales service and thus boost our sales.

Furthermore, we have well trained QC and packaging colleagues, to ensure all the products meet the highest standards before shipping to our customers.

For your reference, after successfully reviewing our account, we plan to list 500 SKU products on Amazon on the first month.

We are confident to become one of the best sellers on Amazon in the not late future.

Hope that you could kindly give us a chance to cooperate and start our online sales business on Amazon, which is absolutely the world top 1 e-commence site.

Should you have any inquires, feel free to contact us again anytime.

Looking forward to your prompt reply.

Yours sincerely,



关 于第一问题,个人建议能不提供链接的尽量不要提供链接,原因是提供的链接越多风险越大,除非你很肯定这些链接里面没有侵权产品,否则的话这些东西一查出 来,你的账号基本上就申请不成功了。其实,就算你不提供相关的链接,亚马逊的审核部门自己都会去找的,确保你真的是没有链接。







还有,如果大家已经有了自己品牌的,在注册账号的时候尽量把相关的资料都提供给亚马逊,让他们帮你去做备案。不要等自己的Listing 被别人跟卖之后才去搞这个事情就来不及了。(文/雨果网 江同)

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